Thursday 20 February 2020

The Cummings Dozen

The original purpose of this blog was to enable me to reflect on the things that sprang to mind about the country of my birth and where I’d lived for all my life until moving to the other side of the world in 2007. Some of the memories/recollections/visions were obvious... “Spangles eh! Remember them?” Some less so...

It has never meant to be a space for me to champion anything approaching some sort of superiority for being born in English. It is purely sleight of hand, a trick of fate. Being born in England, at the time I was born does not bestow greatness of any kind. Although I recognise the exceptionally good fortune I have had: No major war, relatively good health and a good education etc. England is just another place on the planet, with borders, people, history, pubs, memories, lies, arcane laws, ludicrous accents, wild folk tales and long winters.

England is just a country and currently it is in a mess.

It has been hijacked by dangerous ‘influences’ (NB not influencers - save them for a wholly different day) who seem to think that the British Empire still exists and that more importantly the entitled are somehow born of greater value, IQ and worthiness. The cult of the Pseudo-Scientific at the heart of this current government (Neo-Tory/Fascist) is an alarming but not unsurprising trend. They sadly believe such guff and nonsense and without a credible opposition (Political &/or Media) they are being allowed to dip a toe in the water to market test the viability of their obnoxious eugenics obsession.

Choose the brightest egg from these, guaranteed top IQ - The Cummings Dozen.

These are the darkest of times and we must accelerate our resistance, time is running out.

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